Monday, August 27, 2018

Know how to Identify the Anti Hindus in disguise

Beware of anti Hindus wearing the mask of Atheists, Humanists, and Environmentalists

First let us know who are atheists, humanists, and environmentalists.

Atheists are the people who don’t believe in god and the presence of God. They generally believe only what they can see by their eyes.

Humanists are the people who don’t believe in presence of God and believe that human should help other human beings and they work for the good of humans.

Environmentalists are the people who believe that protecting the environment is very important for the well-being of everyone.

Generally, all these people don’t believe in any religion and they don’t poke or hate any religion.

Nowadays anti-Hindus are wearing the mask of atheists, humanists & environmentalists and working against Hinduism. Many Hindus are not able to recognize these anti-Hindus and getting trapped in their net.

beware of anti hindus
beware of anti hindus

With few examples, we will understand how this anti Hindus work

1.These people (anti Hindus) say they don’t believe in god, but keep blaming Lord Rama or Lord Krishna saying that Rama/Krishna has done that this and all. And will try to confuse Hindus.

If they don’t believe in God, they shouldn’t believe that Lord Rama and Lord Krishna have ever existed. So how can they say that a person who has not existed has done something wrong?

If you find anyone like this ask them to read Ramayan, Mahabharat, or bhagavat puran to understand why Rama or Krishna have done XYZ thing. And if they say that they don’t believe in them, then ask them to stop talking about something which they don’t believe.

Also read understanding Hindu calendar

2.This anti-Hindus keeps saying why don’t you help a human instead of doing abhisheka to Lord Shiva or offering flowers to god. But the same people will not even spend a rupee for the poor but will spend thousands to go to the bar, movies, and for their luxuries.

Next time if you find this kind of people tell them that you have the right on how to spend the money you have earned and you will get happiness by doing those things. Also tell them that “it is Hindu dharma which helps the human more and instead of giving free suggestions please help the poor people by giving up your luxuries (cars, costly houses, entertainment…)”

3.These anti-Hindu’s keep saying your religion doesn’t allow women into the temple. You are suppressing women and all.

If you find these kinds of people tell them that “there are only a few temples, into which women are not allowed. And it is the tradition of those temples. If you really care for the welfare of women, then work for those women who are really being suppressed”

4.These anti Hindu’s have problem if we include animals in our festival games, saying that Hindus are harming animals. But the same people don’t have a problem with cows and ox’s getting killed.

Friends remember all these anti-Hindus wearing the mask of atheist, humanist and environmentalist, will try to find fault with only Hinduism. They never have any problem with other religions.

I think you are intelligent enough to understand why they will not have any problem with other religions.

Most of these people will be working in some foreign-funded media. So next time if you find any article or news against Hinduism please be aware

Gau Mata - Know Why Cows Need To Be Worshiped And Protected

Improtance of Gaumata

Yajur vedam says “gau samana na vidyathe” – meaning out of all the living beings in the world, it is gaumata which helps the human most. As per Puranas if you feed gau mata it will be considered as if you have worshipped 33 crore gods. In Mahabharat, Vedavyas has told that “wherever gau mata is there, that place will be peaceful.”

He also told “Astaishwaryamayi laxmi vasathe gomaye sada” – meaning 8 forms of mata Laxmi will be there in gau mutra (cow urine) and gaumayam (cow dung).

As per Ayurveda panchagavya which is made from milk, curd, ghee, gaumutra and gaumayam is considered as Amruth, because it will cure and prevent many diseases and will also keep a person peaceful.

Milk, curd, ghee, gaumutra and gomayam individually also have many benefits. For an infant, if mother milk is not available only gaumata milk shall be given as it can be easily digested by the baby.

On the spinal cord of the desi cow, there will be a special nadi called “surya kethu”. This nadi will collect the energy from the sun and this energy will be present in cow milk. This is the reason why cow milk will be a little bit yellowish.

Cow milk will make you both physically and mentally strong, Cow milk will also detoxify your body and make you disease-free. Cow milk will also improve your digestion power.

According to Ayurveda, if a person drinks buttermilk made of desi cow milk every day, he will be disease-free.

Cow ghee will increase your memory power and is very good for your eyes and skin.

While doing yagna, cow ghee kept in fire will increase the oxygen content in air of that place and will also purify the environment.

So doing more yagna’s in metro cities might be one of the solutions to prevent pollution.

Cow ghee and gaumutra is used for curing many skin diseases. Taking cow ghee or gaumutra as told in Ayurveda will cure skin diseases. Diseases which can be solved with gaumutra are unlimited.

Recent experiments show that cow dung can protect us from harmful radiations and insects. Maybe it is the reason, in earlier days people used to mix cow dung with water and used to spray that water in front of the home.

Gaumayam (cow dung) is also used to cure many diseases. Gaumutra and gaumayam are the best fertilizers. They will improve land fertility and protect the crop from insects and many diseases. Using gaumutra and guamayam properly will increase the crop output and will also give healthy food which we can’t get by using harmful artificial fertilizers. Biogas can also be generated from cow dung.

Also Read Bhagavad gita

Doing yagna is one of the important rituals in Sanatana dharma (Hindu dharma). And this yagna can’t be done without gaumata. Because to perform yagna, initially the place needs to be purified by gaumutra and gaumayam. And we should use only cow ghee in yagna.

Like this there are many advantages of gaumata. Our shastras say that “gosthu matra na vidyathey” – meaning we will not be able to count the benefits which we get from gaumata.

Do we consider all the cows as Gau mata?

Gaumata means only the cows of the Indian breed. We don’t consider foreign breed cows (for example jersey cow) as gaumata, as they don’t have qualities that our desi cows have and they don’t belong to kamadenu lineage. Now lt us see how to recognize Indian breed cows.

1.Indian breed cows have a flap of skin beneath their neck

2.Indian breed cows will have a hump

3.Indian breed cows back will be curved especially near the tail

4.Indian breed cow’s horns are usually big.

Desi cow vs jersy cow - Gaumata
Desi cow vs others 

desi cow vs others
desi cow vs others

Now let us know in this modern life how we can protect gaumata and Sanatana dharma.

1.Spread the awareness about the importance of gaumata  to your friends, family, and to people whom you know

2.Generally cows that give milk will not be sold to slaughterhouses. Because the person who is growing the cow is getting benefit from it. So if he can get benefits from cow dung and cow urine, he will not sell the cow even when it stops giving milk. So if we really want to stop cow slaughter, we should buy products made of gaumutra and gaumayam. There are many products that are made from gaumutra and gaumayam like agarbathi, soaps, shampoo’s, floor cleaners, gau ark, mosquito coils, medicines, and many. So if we buy those products we will get benefits of that products and gaumata will also be saved.

3.Nowadays farmers are preferring to grow foreign breed cows, as they give more milk. But this milk is not even comparable to the milk of gaumata. So even if the milk and milk products of gaumata are a bit costly they are worth more. So buy milk and milk products of desi cow.

4.At least monthly once visit a gaushala and give some donation to gaushala. Might be grass or money whatever you like. Visiting a gaushala will give a kind of peacefulness.

5.If you are a rich person try to set up a gaushala

6.If you are an entrepreneur or planning to start some business you can think of making fertilizers made of gaumutra and gaumayam which will improve the crop output and will also give healthy food to the people.

7.Make farmers become aware of the benefits they will get if they use gaumutra and gaumayam in farming.

So being a Bharatvasi and Hindu, it is our duty to protect desi cows and ox. Bhagawan Shri Krishna has also shown the same. 

Gau mata ki jai

Jai shri ram.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Moksha Sanyasa Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita eighteenth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita eighteenth Chapter – Moksha Sanyasa Yoga 

Arjuna: hey Krishna I want to know about sanyasa, can you kindly tell me”

Bhagawan shri krishna: Sanyasa means giving up kamya karmas (works which are done to fulfill a desire). And not doing bad karmas. At the same time one should not stop doing niyatha karmas (like eating, drinking water etc), yagna, dhana and tapasya. But this karmas should be done by giving away the karma pahala.

It is impossible for a person to give up all the karmas. A person who give up the karma phala is the real sanyasi.

Karma pahala will be of three types – good, bad and both good+bad. If a person doesn’t give up the karma pahala, he will get his karma phala after death. A sanyasi will not get this karma pahalas.

A karma which is done without attachment, without expecting anything, without affection and enmity is called satvik karma.

A karma which is done with a desire, hardwork and attitude is called rajosik karma.

A karma which is done with moha (illusion), which can tie you with bandas, which can create destruction and violence is thamasik

A person who doesn’t have attachment, attitude, who has strong will power, who will not be disturbed by win/loss is Satvik

A person who has attachment, who do work with a desire, who is not pure, who will be disturbed by win/loss is called Rajosik.

A person who doesn’t have any self-control, who is cunning, who is lazy, who will be always in a kind of depression and keeps postponing the work is thamasik

Buddi (wisdom/decision power) which cannot differentiate between dharma & adharma, good & bad work is rajosik guna

With ignorance considering adharma as dharma and extreme thinking is thamo guna.

Controlling manas, prana (life force), indriyas with yoga is satvik guna.

Continuously working for desires is rajosik druthi (determination)

Continuously being in fear, sadness, sexual desire and not willing to come out of them is called thamasik druthi (determination)

Any experience which initially makes you suffer and which later gives you comfort and peaceful mind is satvik

Experiences of indriyas (skin, eyes, nose, ears, tongue…) which will initially make you happy but make you suffer later is rajosik.

Being in illusion with extra sleep, laziness and ignorance from starting to ending is thamasik

Gita Abhyas – Best book to keep Bhagavad Gita in practice

By getting manas in control, by not getting attracted to anything and by giving up all the desires and taking sanayas will take you to best position.

A person who has made his manas pure, who has given up all the desires, who has no enmity or affection, who stays in a lonely place, who takes limited food, who has controlled his manas, who is always in dyana yoga and viragya and who keeps worshipping me will reach me.

Arjuna I am telling once again, keep your manas in me, give up the karma pahala, worship me and follow what I have said, you will reach me for sure.

Arjuna have you listened to my words carefully? Has your Agyanam (illusion or not having actual knowledge) gone?

Also read Navavidha Bhakti

Arjuna: Krishna with your blessings and words, my moha was gone, my doubts got cleared, and I got actual knowledge. I will do what you say

Moksha Sanyasa Yoga Bhagavad Gita
Moksha Sanyasa Yoga Bhagavad Gita

[With this, the conversation between shri Krishna and Arjuna was completed in bhagavad gita]

Sanjaya (who got a boon from vedavyas to see the kurukshetra war from any place) said to Drutharastra (kauravas father) “in this way the conversation between shri Krishna and Arjuna has happened. With the blessings of Vedavyas, I was able to listen to their conversation. Wealth, greatness, success, and dharma – this things will be there for sure in a place where shri Krishna and Arjuna are there.

With this shrimad Bhagavad gita eighteenth chapter – Moksha Sanyasa Yoga has been completed .

Bhagavad Gita had been completed with this Moksha Sanyasa Yoga. Hope you have understood what Bhagawan shri Krishna has told in all the 18 chapters of bhagavad gita, following which will take you towards Moksha.

Jai Shri Krishna

Shraddhatraya Vibhaaga Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita seventeenth Chaper

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita seventeenth Chaper – Shraddhatraya Vibhaaga Yoga

Arjuna: Hey krishna if someone don’t follow Shastra vidhi (way as told in vedic literature) and worship you with devotion as per their wish, then those people will be satvik, rajosik or thamasik?

Bhagawan shri Krishna: Human based on the body they get (as per the karma) will be satvik, rajosik and thamasik. Humans way of thinking will be based on this three gunas. People who are satva guna will worship gods, people who are in rajoguna will worship yaksha and rakshasas. People who are in thamoguna will worship spirits and devils.

People who worship me in a way which is not as per Shastra by harming themselves, to get their wishes come true, are people who have aasurik gunas.

Gita Abhyas – Best book to keep Bhagavad gita in Practice

Three types of food will be liked by humans. Food which will increase the life span, which will give energy, which are not dry, which are sticky (example ghee), healthy will be liked by people who are satvik. This kind of food will keep the person pleasant and happy.

Foods which are extreme bitter, sour, salty, hot, cold, spicy, dry, which will create more thirstiness will be liked by people who are rajosik. This kind of food will cause disease and suffering.

Food which is cooked 3-4 hours back, which have lost its taste, which is spoiled, which is smelling bad, which is tasted by others, which is not clean will be liked by people who are thamasik

Also read 21 best quotes of Chanakya

Doing yagna and worship as per Shastra without expecting anything is satvik.

Doing yagna or worship expecting something is rajosik

Yagna or worship which is done not considering Shastra and without devotion is considered as thamasik.

Shraddhatraya Vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita
Shraddhatraya Vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita

Worshipping gods, brahman’s (hear brahman means good people who are great devotees of god, it doesn’t have anything to do with caste), being pure, practicing brahmacharya, ahimsa and doing good things are considered as sharirika thapasya (thapasya done by body)

Talking truth, talking good and not hurting others by words is considered as Vak thapasya (thapasya done by voice)

Having pleasant manas, being good, being silent, self-control, having pure (good) thoughts is considered as manasik thapasya ( thapasya done by manas)

Above mentioned thapasyas, if done without expecting anything then it is considered as satvika thapasya

If thapasya is done for a desire or to showoff then it will be rajosik thapasya.

If it is done without understanding and by harming self and others then it is call thamasik.

Donation which is done as karthavya (duty) without expecting anything to a person in need is satvik

Donation which is done expecting something or given unwillingly (not by complete heart) is considered as rajosik

Donation given to a wrong person or a donation given by disrespecting the donation taker is considered thamasik

People who do tapasya, yagna, dhana (donation) without expecting anything will get moksha.

Arjuna rememeber yagna, thapasya, dhana and any other work done without shraddha ( concentration and selflessness) will not help the person in both  iham ( in the present life) and param (after life).

With this shrimad Bhagavad gita Seventeenth Chapter – Shraddhatraya vibhaaga Yoga has been completed

Daiva asura sampad vibhaaga Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Sixteenth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Sixteenth chapter – Daiva asura sampad vibhaaga Yoga

Bhagawan shri Krishna: Not having fear, having stable manas, having/ trying to get spiritual and religious knowledge, knowing about vedic knowledge, doing tapas, following ahimsa, saying truth, not getting unnecessary anger, patience, will power, not counting others mistake, kindness towards all the living beings, not having desire for worldly things, not have jealousy, not having desire for fame – all this are daiva gunas (qualities of a person having godly characteristics)

Attitude, thinking once self as great, getting unnecessary anger, ignorance, always thinking about worldly things- these are Asura gunas (qualities of a person having demon characteristics)

Daiva asura sampad vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita
Daiva asura sampad vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita

Deva gunas will lead you to moksha while asura gunas will bind you with bad karmas. I have told a lot about deva gunas. Now I will explain about people having asura gunas.

Gita Abhyas – Best book to keep Bhagavad gita in Practice

They will not have any saucham (purity), tradition and satyam (habit of telling truth). They believe or keep telling that the universe doesn’t have any base and it has evolved by itself, there is no god, no need to follow dharma and all.

They keep telling that all the living beings are born because of kamam (sex) between men and women. They believe that kamam is the reason for existence of the world. With this way of thinking they will become dharmabrasta (people who don’t follow dharma) and become enemies to the world and also become reason for the destruction of the world.

They keep increasing their desire for worldly pleasures to such an extent that they will not be satisfied ever. Till they die they will be back of desires, Nisha (alcohol, drugs etc), kamam, luxuries.

They will be in illusion that they are born to enjoy, they are powerful, no one can do anything to them and they will hate me (god).

Because of this they will fall into Naraka (hell). I will make this people born to parents having asura gunas. So like this in every life they will become more degraded and will get adogathi (worst situation)

Also read importance of read Ramayana

There are 3 things which will lead to destruction of atma (soul) and open the door to Naraka.

1.kamam (desire , specially sexual)

2.krodham (unnecessary anger)

3.Lobham (extreme greediness)

Arjuna a person who has given up kamam, kordham and lobham will do things which are good, because of which he will get paramagathi (better life or starting journey towards moksha)

A person who has neglected Shastra (vedic way) for his desire will not be successful and he will not get the happiness as well.

So Arjuna to decide if a work is good or bad you should consider Shastra as base. Doing karmas as told in Shastra is good.

With this Shrimad Bhagavad Gita sixteenth chapter – Daiva asura sampad vibhaaga Yoga has been completed

Purushottama Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita fifteenth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita fifteenth Chapter – Purushottama Yoga

Bhagawan shri Krishna: Arjuna this universe is like inverted tree having roots in the upward direction and stems growing towards downward direction. This stems which are downwards represent the kamya karmas (works done to get something especially worldly things) of human world. This tree is called Ashwatha vruksham (samsara vruksham)

The more you get involved in the kamya karmas, the stems will grow and you will move away from roots. So one should find the roots and its starting point, by using non attachment as tool.

Gita Abhyas – Best book to know how to practice Bhagavad Gita

Jiva (soul) will carry his experiences (or karmas) from one body to another. In this way jiva will be leaving a body (death) to get a new body (birth). In this new body he will again get manas, ears, tongue, nose, eyes, and skin. With them he will again start experiencing the world and keep doing karmas.

Normal people can’t understand how a jiva (soul) will leave the body and based on karma which body he is going to take. But people having jnana chakshu (divine eyes- rishis and great people will get this power because of their tapasya) can know it.

Sun who is giving light and heat to the universe, is getting energy from me. In the same way moon is also getting energy from me. All the planets are in their place and rotating properly because of my energy.

Purushottama Yoga Bhagavad Gita
Purushottama Yoga Bhagavad Gita

I am the jataragni (digesting power) in every living being and digesting the food. I am there in the hrudayam (soul) of every human being. All the vedas are there to understand me. I am the one who has given the vedas.

Also read 20 + 20 funda for healthy and peaceful life

Jivas (souls) can be divided into two

1.Kshara (souls which are in a physical body and which keeps changing the body – like souls in human , animals etc)

2.Akshara (souls in spiritual world , where the body will not change and will not undergo any physical change)

And there is paramatma who is taking care of Kshara, Akshara and all the universes. Since I am different from kshara and Akshara, Vedas call me as Purushottama.

With this Shrimad Bhagavad Gita fifteenth chapter – Purushottama Yoga has been completed

Gunatraya vibhaaga yoga - Bhagavad Gita Fourteenth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Fourteenth Chapter – Gunatraya vibhaaga yoga

Bhagawan shri Krishna: Arjuna I will tell you about the knowledge, with which many rishis are getting moksha

Prakruthi (nature) is made up of three gunas- satva, rajo and thamo guna. This 3 gunas will be binding the atma (soul) to a body.

Since satva guna is pleasant it will make a person enlightened , healthy, getting attached to world peace and make you interested in actual knowledge. It will make you satisfied and bind you slightly only to these things.

Gita Abhyas – Best book to keep Bhagavad Gita in Practice

Rajo guna will arise desire in you. So if rajo guna is there, it will make the person to do a lot of karmas to get worldly things/pleasures. And because of this karmas you will be bonded.

Thamo guna will make the person to be in moha (illusion) and make the person lazy, carelessness and sleepy. Because of this things person will be bonded.

Satva guna will make a person happy and peaceful. Rajo guna will make a person to do more work for things which are not permanent and bring ashanthi (not being peaceful)

Thamo guna will make a person to do bad and will bring danger.

Gunatraya vibhaaga yoga bhagavad gita
Gunatraya vibhaaga yoga bhagavad gita

If a person dies when he is in satva guna he will reach higher worlds (like Swarga (heaven)). If a person dies when he is in Rajo guna he will be born again as human. If a person dies when he is in thamoguna he will be born either as human who will face lot of issues or as animal or tree etc.

Also read how to Achieve success the Bhagirada way

A person who understands and experiences that all three gunas are of prakruthi and he is atma (soul) and different from it(prakruthi), will reach me and will not be born again.

Arjuna: what are the characteristics of a person who will grow above all the three gunas? And how he will grow above all the three gunas?

Shir Krishna: A person who has grown above all the three gunas will understand that gunas are prakruthi. So he will be stable and see happiness& sadness, soil & gold, enemy & friend as same. He will give up all the karmas.

If a person have bhakthi towards me and who always think about me can easily grow above the three gunas

With this Shirmad Bhagavad Gita fourteenth chapter – gunatraya vibhaaga yoga has been completed

Kshetra Kshetragna Vibhaaga Yoga - Bhagavad Gita Thirteenth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Thirteenth chapter – Kshetra Kshetragna Vibhaaga Yoga

Arjuna: hey Krishna, what is prakruthi, who is purusha, who is kshetragna, what is actual knowledge? Can you kindly tell about them?”

Shri Krishna: Arjuna, this body is called kshetra and the one who knows about the kshetra dharma is called kshetragna. Arjuna know that the kshetragna in all the living beings is me. Knowing about the kshetra and kshetragna is the actual knowledge

Kshetra Kshetragna Vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita
Kshetra Kshetragna Vibhaaga Yoga bhagavad gita

Kshetra is a combination of wish, hatred, happiness, sadness, physical body, energy, will power etc.

Not praising oneself, not having attitude, following ahimsa(peace), having patience, following dharma, having stability, self-control, not having interest in worldly things, not getting attached with family, not getting disturbed or excited even if the things go as per our wish or not, staying alone and having a constant bhakti, trying to get atma darshan is considered as actual knowledge.

Gita Abhyas – Best book to keep bhagavad Gita in practice

Entire universe is filled by parabrahma. This is there in the living being and outside the living beings. Know that prakruthi (nature) and purusha (atma) are very old. All the gunas (everything including feelings) are born from prakruthi . And the purusha who is in this prakruthi experiences the gunas. Based on his (Purusha) attachment with gunas, he will get his next life. If one can see himself different from prakruthi gunas and can have atma darshan will get moksha.

Even though the world looks different (with many people, animals, things and all), it is dependent on only one thing which is called brahmatatva. And one who can recognize and see that one thing will get mukti.

With this shirmad bhagavad gita thirteenth chapter – kshetra kshetragna vibhaaga yoga has been completed

Bhakthi Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Twelfth Chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Twelfth Chapter – Bhakthi Yoga

Arjuna: hey Krishna, there are people who worship you in saguna rupa (considering god in some form) and Nirguna rupa (seeing god in everything without any form). In this 2 types of people who are best?

Also read importance of reading Ramayana

Bhagawan shri Krishna: people who keep their whole concentration on me and worship me with complete devotion are best, in whatever form (saguna or nirguna) they worship. For the people who worship me as nirguna rupa, it will be very difficult to control manas. Reaching me by worshipping in nirguna rupa is difficult.

Gita Abhyas – Best Book to keep Bhagavad gita in Practice

Arjuna keep your manas and buddi in me, then for sure you will reach me. If you can’t keep your manas and buddi constantly in me, then try to reach me by abyasa yoga (like doing japa, tapasya….). If you can’t do abyasa yoga, involve yourself in the karmas belonging to me (like doing good working in the name of god, or doing Pooja or works related to temples etc). If you are so weak that you can’t do karma’s belonging to me, then do sharanagathi (completely surrendering) to me and offer the karma which you do for yourself and give up the karma phala. By sacrificing the karma phala, you will get peace.

Bhakthi Yoga Bhagavad Gita
Bhakthi Yoga Bhagavad Gita

A person who is always satisfied, who has controlled his manas, who is always calm, and who has offered his manas and buddi to me are close to me”.

With this shrimad Bhagavad Gita twelfth chapter Bhakthi Yoga has completed.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Vishwaroopa Pradarshna Yoga - Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Eleventh chapter

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita  Eleventh Chapter – Vishwaroopa pradarshana yoga

Arjuna: Krishna all my moha (unwanted desire or illusion) was gone, with the knowledge you have shared with me. I am willing to see your vishwaroopa. If you think I am eligible for it, kindly show me your vishwaroopa

Bhagawan shri Krishna: With your normal vision you will not be able to see my vishwaroopa. I will give you divine vision, see my vishwaroopa

Then Bhagawan shri Krishna has shown his vishwaroopa to Arjuna.

Arjuna witnessed Krishna with unlimited number of eyes, jewelry, weapons… Arjuna was able to see the entire universe in Krishna. Bhagawan Krishna was glowing with an energy which is equal to 1000 sun’s put together.

Then Arjuna bowed down before Krishna and told 

Arjuna: Hey bhagawan, in your vishwaroopa I am able to see all gods, all the living beings, lord brahma, lord Shiva. You have unlimited no. of hands, faces, eyes. There is no start and end to you. I am afraid to see you with unlimited shoulders, hands, faces, legs. Your face is glowing like fire. I am unable to see you like this.

I can see all the kauravas, bhishma, drone, karna and many other people entering your mouth which is glowing like fire. Some people’s head are getting stuck between your teeth.

Hey paramathma, please come back to your shantharoopa (peaceful form). I am unable to understand you (aggressive form which Arjun has seen). Please tell me who are you.

Vishwaroopa Pradarshna Yoga Bhagavad Gita
Vishwaroopa Pradarshna Yoga Bhagavad Gita

Bhagawan Krishna: I am mahakal (form of shiva), my work is to destroy. Even if you stop doing the war, all this people are going to die. So Arjuna get up and do the war. You will get the credit. Kill the people, who are already killed by me.

Arjuna who is afraid, did namaskar to Krishna 

Arjuna: I am getting fear by seeing your vishwaroopa, I am willing to see you as Vishnu

Also read 21 best quotes of Swami Vivekananda

Shri Krishna: Arjuna don’t be afraid by seeing my vishwaroopa, now see me as Vishnu

Arjuna saw Vishnu rupa

Arjuna: My manas has become stable by seeing you as Vishnu

Shri Krishna: To get my darshan as Vishnu is very difficult. Even gods will be eagerly waiting to get my darshan. Bhakti is the only way to get this darshan. A person who has offered all the karma’s to me, who has bhakti, who doesn’t have interest in external world, who doesn’t have hatred towards anything only can get this darshan and can reach me.

With this Shrimad Bhagavad Gita chapter Eleven – Vishwaroopa Pradarshana Yoga has been completed

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